We have the following documents and permissions

License for international carriage of goods by road

Allows for international carriage of goods by road on any route within the EEC in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and the general provisions of the above license.

Road transport license for carriage brokering

The license issued by the Starost for road transport in the field of carriage brokering in accordance with the law on road transport.

Carriers liability insurance in international traffic

Astrong has an insurance policy related to the civil liability of a transport operator. Under the terms of the insurance contract, each of our transportation is insured for a sum of $500,000 in case of unexpected events and accidents. The policy applies throughout Europe.

Carrier's third party liability insurance in car transport

Insurance contract covering service activities supporting land transport, road transport of goods and selling wholesale and retail cars. The subject of the insurance is the freight forwarder’s TPL, amounting to $100,000.

Entry to the Central Registry and Information about Business Activities in Poland

A document confirming that Astrong is a legally operating company, for nearly 10 years registered in the Central Registry and Information about Business Activities in Poland and containing NACE codes determining the predominant types of economic activity.

Certificate of REGON identification number

Confirmation of the REGON number for the business entity, thus entering the company into the register of the President of the Central Statistical Office.




ul. Meissnera 11 03-982 Warszawa

tel. 604 817 545